Saturday, 2 February 2013

[Commission Work] A couple of Cowboys (or girls)

Time for another update and something a little different.

Here are three Wyrd Miniatures Ronin , for Malifaux. These were good fun to paint and wen surprisingly quickly. Looking at about 4-5 hours here from start to finish.

I think these are the first Malifaux models I have painted, I still find the metal they are made from a pain to work with (that Katana is really flexible). Maybe now the plastics are trickling out then I will get to work on some of the newer models and see if that makes things better.

These are my basic level of paint (£10 per figure), but for that you get a clean, three level highlight. Nothing too fancy, but great for rank and file.

Other projects on the go at present are some Dreadball teams for commission and some new Cryx stuff for me.

I have also decided to get in to two new games... Infinity has caught my eye for its low model count and sci fi stylings, and I am hoping to get some Aleph underway pretty soon, if I can find them anywhere in the shops.

I have also just picked up the Dark Age core rules. I've had my eye on the game for a while now, and the new Kukulkani has tipped me over the edge. Can't wait for the models to come out so I can get cracking.

With Relic Knights coming later in the year, its going to be a skirmish lead few months.

'Til next time.

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