Friday, 15 April 2011

Quick paintjob for Salute 2011.

Tuesday night I get a phonecall from my podcasting buddy Conrad asking me if I am free to paint a model for Salute, which was in four days time! Not one to shirk from a challenge I decided to partake.

We had three new releases to paint, a Cryx Scavenger, the Ragman mercenary solo and a Menoth Flameguard Cleanser. I got the Ragman (Nick was also joining in the fun and is a good painter of white, Cryx is my chosen faction so I didn't want to spoil the fun of painting a scavenger for myself).

With such a short deadline (bearing in mind I have a job and was taking my partner out for the day for her birthday) I had a very small window of paint opportunity.

Three hours of frenzied painting later, this was the result:

Not the best work ever, but I had so little time I felt I did a reasonable job.

Hopefully I will be getting my own Ragman soon enough, so will get a second shot at the model.

Till next time...


Mugu said...

What would have done differently on the Ragman? While my painting is no where in your calibur, I have a hard time finding fault in your paintjob. Hmmm, maybe deeper shadows on the purple areas?

Jon Webb said...

I cheated a hell of a lot in the browns.
Plus there are a few rough patches.

I think the thing is, when you paint a model, you know where you took short cuts and "cheats" to get it done, whereas other people get to view it as a whole!

I am my own worst enemy :D

Thanks for the nice comments though.
I agree the purple could use a little more work. Its such a touch colour to paint.